My father earned his Doctor of Divinity from Union Seminary in New York and became a Presbyterian pastor. He had an extremely high IQ, famous verbal skills, and high levels of cholesterol. When statin drugs were created to reduce cholesterol, which was already labeled as the cause of heart attacks, my Dad was asked to be a test subject for the first statin drug, Mevacor. He went on to take each new statin drug for the rest of his life.
The first thing that happened after starting a statin was that my Dad lost a lot of weight and became rail thin. Gradually his speech became garbled until he was unintelligible. Ultimately, after being fit his whole life, he lost all muscle strength, including for walking, getting up from the sofa, and even standing upright.
In 2009 I heard former astronaut and family doctor Duane Graveline on The People's Pharmacy radio show tell his story of a bizarre cognitive event caused by taking Lipitor. Dr. Graveline went on to create the website to provide first-hand accounts from families of their experiences with statins and studies from across the globe of potential side effects. I knew immediately that I had stumbled across the exact cause of my father's cognitive decline. I remember Dr. Graveline saying, "Our elders are being robbed of their golden years."
When my old Girl Scout camp friend Susan DeLaney asked me to help her tell the history behind the current health crisis in America using a fun campfire storytelling technique, I was in. (My arms are too short, or I could have added Arms to my drama resume.) I dedicate my contribution to my father, William Spence Smith, who always did what the doctor said.